Être rappelé

The best eSIM plans for Paris 2024 Olympics spectators

Julia JimenezJulia Jimenez
Responsable du Contenu Télécoms
Publié le 26 Juillet 2024

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During the Paris 2024 Olympics, many visitors will be traveling to France and will need a reliable mobile network. This guide is here to help you select the best option that fits your needs.

eSIM Cards France JO 2024

📝 Key Points :

✔️ Our recommendation : the European Travel SIM from SFR,
✔️ Choose one of the Orange or Bouygues Telecom offers for 30 GB,
✔️ Best deal: Free 5G plan, available only in Free stores and partner kiosks.

✈️ The best eSIM card plans for traveling in France

Are you traveling to France for the Olympics and planning to stay for a while ? To stay connected, we recommend a deal with plenty of data :



Validity Period

Discover the deal


60 GB for €34.99

30 days


100 GB for €49.99

28 days

Bouygues Telecom

60 GB for €41.90

30 days

The European Travel SIM from SFR, which offers 60 GB for €34.99 stands out for its low price and features tailored to spectators' needs :

🏅Orange vs Bouygues : which 30 GB eSIM card is the best for you ?

Don't need a large amount of mobile data ? 30 GB will suffice ! For the same price at Bouygues Telecom and Orange, you can find similar offers, but the criteria may vary. Compare the two eSIM card plans to choose the best offer :


Bouygues Telecom


Included Data

30 GB in 4G/5G in France and Europe

30 GB in 4G+/LTE in France and Europe


Unlimited in France and Europe

Unlimited in France and Europe


30 days

14 days

Calls to Worldwide

Not included

120 minutes of calls

SMS to Worldwide

Not included

1000 SMS included





Not compatible


The eSIM offers from Bouygues Telecom and Orange have some similarities. You will benefit from compatibility with various devices such as phones, tablets, and hotspots with both offers.
Moreover, tethering is available with both plans. Finally, after the instant delivery of your eSIM via email, you can easily activate it from anywhere in Europe.

Lastly, you should take into account the more efficient Orange network across all Olympic sites to make the right choice.

🔎 The Free 5G deal : an option for you ?

The Free 5G offer is particularly interesting for visitors to the Paris 2024 Olympics, both in terms of price and included services. For only €19.99, you get :

This offer is valid for one month and includes a French phone number.

🏪 How to Subscribe to the Free 5G Offer ?

Subscription is done in just 3 minutes at a Free store or a Free kiosk, with the option to choose between an eSIM or a regular SIM. This requires a visit to the store or a partner kiosk to subscribe.

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RED box Fibre
Red by SFR
RED box Fibre
500 Mb/s
SFR Starter Fibre
SFR Starter Fibre
1 Gb/s
Freebox Pop Fibre
Freebox Pop Fibre
5 Gb/s
Bbox Fit Fibre
Bouygues Telecom
Bbox Fit Fibre
400 Mb/s
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