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🏅Orange, gold medal for network and mobile deals for the Paris 2024 Olympics

Julia JimenezJulia Jimenez
Responsable du Contenu Télécoms
Publié le 23 Juillet 2024

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As the Paris 2024 Olympics approach, Orange stands out as the carrier offering the best coverage and a full range of plans to welcome visitors. Zone ADSL&Fibre, a telecom expert, analyzed the performance of mobile operators to advise visitors.

orange jo paris 2024

📝 Key Points :

✔️ Orange, official partner of the Paris 2024 Olympics, offers the best network performance for visitors,
✔️ 100% of the sites are covered by 5G from all four operators,
✔️ Special offers designed for the Olympics are available from Orange and SFR.

🔥 Orange, best wireless network at Olympic sites

Orange network quality

Orange, the official partner of the Paris 2024 Olympics, is responsible for managing the event's private networks.

Although no specific communication has been made regarding the public network, it is important to highlight that Orange offers the best public network quality among the four network operators in France, ensuring optimal connectivity for all Olympic spectators.

💡 Our method :

Our mobile network map, created with ARCEP and based on a 3GPP analytical model, uses field data collected throughout France. We evaluated the 5G and 4G signal quality of each carrier across the 34 Olympic sites in France to determine their overall performance.

📈 SFR, Bouygues, and Free stand out in some Olympics sites

Since the four cellphone networks of the operators are deployed differently, performance results vary according to the geographical sites of the Olympics. Orange leads in signal quality at most Olympic sites, with some exceptions :

🏆 Bouygues Telecom leads in climbing, boxing, pentathlon, and volleyball

🏆 Free leads in rowing, canoeing, and cycling

🏆 SFR leads in golf and sailing

Additionally, thanks to massive investments, 5G is available for 100% of the sites from all four carriers, ensuring optimal connectivity for spectators. This is a great achievement for the operators.

🏆 Special offers designed for the 2024 Olympics

Deals comparaison of eSIM

Operators such as Orange and SFR have adapted to the needs of Olympic spectators by offering dedicated deals. Among them, SFR gives a unique deal with the best quantity/price ratio, and Orange has the most complet range to meet all needs.

Meanwhile, Bouygues Telecom and Free have maintained their usual deals, without options specifically tailored to the needs of the Paris 2024 Olympics.

🌍 An increasingly competitive international market with new eSIM players

These new eSIM providers for travelers allow foreign visitors to benefit from attractive rates and flexible services to meet all their mobile connectivity needs. This market represents :

📱 Over 20 eSIM providers in France,

💸 $1.1 billion USD for the global market in 2021,

📈 +115% growth expected by 2031.

🌐 What is a eSIM for travelers ?

These eSIM providers offer cards that allow travelers to connect to mobile networks without a physical SIM card. Unlike traditional operators, these eSIM carriers give dematerialized and flexible solutions that can be activated via a simple QR code. They purchase data from traditional operators and offer competitive prices due to reduced infrastructure costs.

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RED box Fibre
Red by SFR
RED box Fibre
500 Mb/s
SFR Starter Fibre
SFR Starter Fibre
1 Gb/s
Freebox Pop Fibre
Freebox Pop Fibre
5 Gb/s
Bbox Fit Fibre
Bouygues Telecom
Bbox Fit Fibre
400 Mb/s
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